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End of Life

As we strive to provide best-in-class products and services to our customers throughout all stages of our product life cycle, there comes a time when technology and business needs evolve to a point where older products and technologies no longer meet market requirements. Therefore, Hunston may periodically discontinue older products.
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Product End of Life Policy

This decision can be based on several factors, including but not limited to the availability of specific manufacturing components needed to continue production, a third-party manufacturer’s product discontinuation, or a better alternative model.

We understand that product discontinuation impacts our customers’ business. Therefore, we have prepared a notification of obsolescence and (LTB) Last Time Buy opportunity, if applicable.

Ours standard LTP period is 3 months from the date of notification. Although at the same time, Hunston makes every effort to adhere to these requirements, there may be unavoidable circumstances that may result in shorter times.

We reserve the right to change or modify any terms and conditions contained in the end-of-life policy at our sole discretion without any notification.

Please contact us for any questions or comments about the end-of-life policy.